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Vacuüm: The best of two worlds merged

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Two of our most reputable manufacturers have entered in a unique pneumatic partnership; MAC VALVES and VACCON

With MAC VALVES, LDA has for decades the fastest and most reliable valves available to you, and with VACCON we have the most dirt resistant Venturi vacuum pumps added to our supply line. 

After an intensive period of engineering, VACCON developed a vacuum line that matches the speed of MAC VALVES with their vacuum pumps that don’t clog. 

By integrating the MAC VALVE bullet valves in VACCON Venturi Vacuum pumps the best of both worlds merges. You now have speed, reliability, dirt resistance, flow and quality combined in one product! 

Some of the many benifits of this developement:
- Design flexibility 
- Ideal for packaging, food, material handling and palletizer 
- Custom design and manifold mounting
- High Speed Vacuum * 

* Reach working vacuum level in under 12 msec. Close coupled, direct acting valve feeding air to Vaccon’s high flow venture means near instantaneous vacuum generation. Increases production because of high speed and saves air by not having to “lead” the cycle.

Click here o launch the product flyer (1,5MB)



Reliable in conditions that cause other to fail!

Simplicity in design is the key to reliability. VACCON pumps have no flap valves to malfunction and no filters to clog or maintain.
There is not a less complicated, more reliable, solenoid controlled venturi vacuum pump than this!


VACCON Product overview (4,8MB) 


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