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PRONAL: Inflatable Pipeline Stoppers

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Where water flow needs to be stopped, inflatable stoppers are an efficient solution. By creating an airtight seal within the pipe, they effectively stop the water flow to enable professionals in different industries to do their job and resolve the situation. Inflatable Pipeline stoppers insure a perfect tightness and an excellent back-pressure resistance. Made from high quality fibre-reinforced elastomer our Inflatable Pipeline stoppers give you a high level of reliability.


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Pronal inflatable pipe stoppers are used to:

■ Test pipes for leaks under pressure (joint testing).
■ Isolate pipes for maintenance (inspection stoppers).
■ Temporarily seal pipes to avoid runoff of toxic
   materials (pollution stoppers).
■ Provide highly portable and re-usable medium and
   high-pressure stoppers for offshore use.
■ Provide high-pressure, self-contained stoppers for
   specialised uses, from power stations to nuclear


Available Models:

■ 3D plugs allows plugging pipes from 100 mm up to 
   1.000 mm diameter with only 3 models.
■ Vari plugs 45-1.500 mm with blank stopper, bypass
   for water tightness tests.
■ Uni-Plug collapsible pipe stoppers from 20-3.000 mm
   that compactly fit around obstacles, corners and into
   previously inaccessible areas of surface, underground
   and underwater pipelines.

■ Pollu-Plug anti-pollution stoppers permanently fitted in
   storm water and sewerage lines ready for rapid
   inflation by remote triggering as soon as an
   emergency arises in industrial, civil and municipal


Read more here about our ORJ removable stoppers.

  • Advantages:

    ■ Suitable for a wide variety of pipes: concrete, cast
       iron, steel, stainless steel, PVC.

    ■ Simplicity and speed of installation.
    ■ Completely leak-proof.
    ■ Safe to use.
    ■ Sturdy with long service life.
    ■ Highly diversified range.
    ■ No size limits, up to 3.000 mm in diameter.
    ■ Either standard or made-to-measure.
    ■ Models for low pressure and high pressure (+100 bar).

    ■ Choice of shapes (cylindrical, oval, square) 

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